Posterous is moving towards blogging domination. Over the next 15 days, the simple blogging solution will enable free import options for a number of services, starting with Ning. TechCrunch surmises that WordPress is up next, but that leaves 13 more services for us to anticipate over the next two weeks. When it comes to stepping up your game, aggressively targeting new users and better positioning yourself for future monetization, Posterous is on the right track.
So what does the future’s best publishing platform on the planet look like? It reaches into every domain possible. And that’s not just limited to the web. Posterous has done one thing well, and that’s simplify the publishing process. Bringing other services into its fold instead of working the other way around (as it has been for the past two years), Posterous is gaining on the two-way distribution method that will give consumers the resyndication options they need.
A similar tactic was employed by WordPress, and it worked quite well for them. The days of recreating your virtual existince on other sites are long gone, thanks to central identities on sites like Facebook and WordPress. With the publishing and social media worlds overlapping to an increasing extent as content providers seek to montize these levels of cross-promoted recommendations, it’s a necessary move for Posterous to make as well.
And though Posterous doesn’t have an immediate need for extensive mobile tools, I think it’s something the publisher should consider. As Posterous further pushes its way into the top echelons of digital self-publishing, the mobile industry will become more central to what Posterous offers as a company. Integrating with more mobile tools, launching an account-accessible mobile front for heavy users and generating a number of one-click redistribution tools from there are just some of th ways in which Posterous can continue to move towards world domination.
It’s particularly important as Twitter makes a few aggressive moves of its own. Quickly becoming a dominate publishing platform is one of the more profitable ways to take advantage of social media and mobile initiatives. As Twitter layers in more ads and more direct tools for consumers, the very landscape of offering simplified solutions to customers may soon change for Posterous.