Having trouble sorting through your ever-filling e-mail box every day, trying to sort out what to read now or what can wait until later? Well, Google Mail has a solution for you: Priority Inbox. Already being rolled out in beta format—most users will be able to access it through their “experimental features” tab—it will use user input and advanced filtering technology to guess at sorting users’ inboxes.
Juan Carlos Perez from IDG News Service tells us all about it,
With Priority Inbox activated, Gmail divides the inbox into three sections: the top one contains the most important and unread messages; the middle one has messages that have been flagged by users with a star to highlight them; and the last section has all other messages.
Matthew Glotzbach, director of product management in Google’s Enterprise unit, sees Priority Inbox as a sort of inverted spam filter which, instead of blocking and setting aside unsolicited messages, prioritizes items in the inbox so that users can attend more quickly to the most important e-mails.
I know that I receive almost 25-50 e-mails a day, and the only way I stay on top of what should be priority and what shouldn’t is that I keep constant watch. Some sort of priority mechanism that floats likely e-mails to the top may be a boon. However, I am not seeing the product yet.
For those who prefer to consume their news updates in video form, Google has been kind enough to give us an extremely cute explanation of their new product. Here’s the video.