Media giant CBS will have to face 2011 without Neil Ashe, President of CBS Interactive. The announcement was confirmed by CBS after a report that the organization has been contacting several executives to replace Ashe leaked out in the media.
CBS started 2010 with head of digital Quincy Smith’s departure, who, by the way was replaced by Ashe soon after his resignation. Although there are no clear signs on what is next for Ashe, CBS has noted that they were given ample time to identify a person fit for the role. Ashe has been with the company since 2002 and used to be the CEO of CNET, which was acquired by CBS.
A spokesperson of CBS cited the contribution of Ashe to the organization, “Neil has helped make CBSi into the successful and profitable business it is today. Looking out into 2011, we are working on a relaxed timeframe to name a successor to his post, as he embarks on his next great thing,” he said.
But, CBS is not alone and was never alone in this debacle, as the rest of the industry suffers with executive losses and organizational facelifts. This is what experts call as mainstream media hiccup. Several executive shake-ups for broadcast companies like CBS and NBC hit the headlines recently.
In a report posted in SiliconAngle, the new structure created by ComCast for NBC Universal has brought surprising revamps including the announcement of the title revisions and appointment of new executives: “Matt Bond…becomes executive vice president of content distribution at NBCU… Lauren Zalaznick will assume oversight of Daily Candy and Fandango…Amy Banse, who AllThingsD reported is shifting from her role as president of Comcast Interactive Media to run a private-equity fund that will combine separate funds previously maintained by Comcast and NBCU…Ted Harbert… transitions to management of the broadcast network, NBC.”