Sony has targeted to sell a total of 15 million units of its PlayStation 3 Game Consoles during this financial year, ending March 2011. Sony PS3 experienced a sale of 13 million units last year and its new Move motion control system is expected to boost it to 15 million.
Company’s Executive Vice President Kazuo Hirai informed that the sales at the end of the year are as they expected. But if we take a look at the figures, they say something else. Right up to the end of November, the company has sold only 4.1 million units, which is far less than the whopping target of 15 million by March. In fact, it is roughly on par with Microsoft’s Kinect, which sold over 2.5 million units worldwide only within 25 days of its launch.
After discontinuing the PS2 in March 2010, Sony’s sales fell down unexpectedly. In spite of an aggressive ad campaign, PS3 was not able to pick up the sales, falling significantly behind the sales figures of Microsoft’s Kinect.
Sony is hoping its Move gaming system can help out with sales. It and Microsoft Kinect are going after the Nintendo Wii market, trying to position themselves to grab a greater share receptively. Overall if we take a look at the figures, both Kinect and PS3 are still way behind Nintendo Wii, which has sold over $75 million units worldwide ever since its launch in 2006. Still, both Sony and Microsoft are trying hard by launching best for their gaming consoles, especially during the holidays and as the year comes to a close.
Besides its gaming consoles, Sony’s also heading to the cloud for added products and access to consumers. Here’s the Sony Live View Device, a small sized device that can be worn on wrist and gives the user ability to control his phone remotely. Initially, it caught some negativity but later on both users and developers alike understand the potential benefits of this particular product.
Today, Sony also announced its holiday season bumper sale for PS Europe, that will last from December 22 to January 5, 2011. It will let you choose downloads from a plenty of favorites including Lara Croft, the PSP version of Toy Story 3, and the very recent and most excellent Pac-Man Championship Edition DX.
It has also launched a cloud-based iTunes alternatives in U.K and Ireland today. This subscription music service, dubbed Music Unlimited is available for customers having Playstation 3, Vaio computer, or a 2010 model of a Sony Web-ready TV or Blu-ray player. Further, it also plans to bring the same on mobiles phones soon.