Committed to its mission of providing safe, healthy and play-inclusive physical activities in school, the Salesforce.com Foundation, a global leader in integrating philanthropy and business, today announced the success of non-profit organization, Playworks, in leveraging with Salesforce CRM and Force.com enterprise cloud computing platform. Aside from benefitting of the platform’s efficiency, Playworks also became one of the beneficiaries of the foundation’s 1/1/1/ model: 1% product is donated and discounted, that is the Salesforce CRM licenses; 1% time as Salesforce employees become active volunteers; and 1% equity as Playworks become a recipient of some of the Foundation’s grants.
“Our 1/1/1 Model and priority on employee engagement is making a huge difference for both the nonprofits we serve and to the morale of our employees,” said Suzanne DiBianca, executive director of the Salesforce.com Foundation. “It’s always been our intention to contribute in deeper and lasting ways and Playworks has provided a great opportunity for our employees and greater community to experience the reward of creating a positive impact on so many children.”
In order to connect its strategies across the country, as well as answer its need for an effective system for donor and contact management, Playworks will have to deploy an accessible and flexible cloud-system. Not only did Salesforce answer to the call for efficiency, it also added value to Playworks’ undertaking.
“Salesforce.com is a leader in the business community where it is committed to changing the bottom line and to making a difference in the community through employee engagement,” said Ellen Goodman, executive director of Playworks San Francisco. “Not only has the Salesforce.com Foundation been a great technological partner, but also a hands-on partner through the company’s volunteerism with our organization.”
25 salesforce.com customer executives gathered at Dreamforce 2010 and accumulated a total of 65 bikes with helmet and lock, to be donated to 2 local public school in San Francisco. At the upcoming Cloudforce 2011, a salesforce event, on March 3, 2011 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York, all of the over 600 attendees are invited to join a series of volunteering activities to help 4,600 children in low-income schools in New York City.
Cloud tools are attractive to non-profits because of they are cost-effective. Aside from Playworks, Salesforce foundation also had an alliance with Deloitte to help Iveneo deliver a viable and inexpensive telecommunications networks to underserved nations. Salesforce also recently acquired enterprise application developer Dimdim for $31 million, and funded Seesmic $4 million.