Cranking location based services up a notch, you’re now able to use an American Express card with Foursquare. Does this mean venues will be able to track your purchases? Practical reasons of course. One hamburger is more competitive than the other.
Today, we’re happy to announce that the partnership is going national. Across the whole country, at select merchants, you can now check-in with foursquare, pay with your American Express card, and get big savings on your monthly statement.
It’s simple to use:
- link your AmEx and foursquare accounts (you can do it here);
- check in at a participating store and tap ‘load to card’ on the Special; and,
- pay with your AmEx card.
There’s no cutting out coupons or showing your phone to the cashier. The savings are automatically credited to your account within a few days.
We’re super excited to be kicking this off with amazing Specials at two nationwide chains:
- H&M (Spend $75, get $10 back)
- Sports Authority (Spend $50, get $20 back)
From Foursquare Blog
With Groupon and LivingSocial being the trustworthy deal sources, Foursquare’s social element may have penetrated deeper into word-of-mouth marketing. Personalized by having a credit card linked to a venue. This may eventually rid expenses that businesses use to offer special in-store only cards.
Less is more. Who wants to carry around credit cards 10 years from now? We can already fast forward through airport security today just by owning a Macbook Air.