It looks like Google is pressing forward in their adoption of NFC technology by making sure that it’s also Google+ enabled. Shortly after the announcement and unveiling of their new social networking service, an official Android app became available on the App Marketplace and people started using it.
That’s when a software developer, Ridzuan Ashim, discovered something interesting about the app: it was NFC-capable. Engadget noticed and wrote up a little bit of info about his discovery,
Software developer Ridzuan Ashim discovered that, when used on an NFC-enabled device, you can read tags and share them through the new social networking service. After scanning, the OS asks you if you want to share the associated text with Google+ or another relevant program. Though the abilities seem somewhat limited for now, we’ll likely see more developer support tossed in as the service matures.
Let the speculation run wild in how people will be using their new Nexus S in order to easily and quickly add NFC-transmitted information into their social networking.
By using NFC tags, a business could hand out socially-enabled coupons or invites that people could repost to their Circles (think of it as Google’s response to getting snubbed by GroupOn.) They could also use them as a check-in for social invites that already happened, allowing groups to see that their friends have arrived at a pre-determined location. With Circles only a particular set of friends would know anyway. Beyond invitees, but the standing group could use their NFC-enabled smartphones to identify that they’d visited a particular establishment for a meeting.
Although Google hasn’t yet enabled non-people for Google+, NFC could become the mainstay for brands and establishments to make it easy to add them to our Google+ when that happens. Just walk in the door, take a swipe near the register, and viola offers to add the establishment to our Circles so we can receive updates, news, offers, etc.
Of course, with NFC, two smartphones could easily exchange the information needed to add each other’s owners to Circles, Huddles, and even simultaneously release “we’re together” Google+ updates.
The options currently are limited to a bare few phones—NFC itself is still working hard to get fully adopted and established—however, the more implementations possible and with increased popularity and use will probably drag it into ubiquity.