UPDATED 15:28 EST / JULY 14 2011

Anti-Piracy Campaigns: Are They Really Winning the Battle?

With hackers attacks multiplying as each day passes, companies are hard at work to block their attempts.  With Google’s Anti-Piracy filter that works by filtering ‘piracy-related’ terms (minimizing the amount of data users are acquiring), piracy search has significantly dropped, proving the filter is serving its purpose.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean that piracy has slowed down.  The theory goes, if you can’t find something, you’re probably going to give up your quest, so yeah, piracy might have declined a little.

“While there is no silver bullet for infringement online, this measure is one of several that we have implemented to curb copyright infringement online,” Google spokesman Mistique Cano previously told TorrentFreak.

Last May, Comcast subscribers were outraged when they found they couldn’t open, or even find The Pirate Bay.  Comcast quickly denied allegations that they have anything to do with the incident.

In the United States and other countries providers are shielded by safe harbors for acting as common carriers, but that doesn’t stop governments from reaching out to get sites like The Pirate Bay blocked. There are also plenty of do-no-gooders out there looking to make a name for themselves by taking letters of mark from said copyright industry governors, groups such as BREIN who laud themselves on how many torrent sites they’ve shattered.

Earlier this year, BRIEN bragged of their feat about shutting down 12 torrent sites to dial-down on piracy.  Unfortunately the news received little applause.  Reports stated that said torrent sites were the small ones that the community won’t really miss.

Though major attempts have been thrown at hackers and pirates, no one can seem to make them cease their activity.  As the law’s teeth are getting sharper, the fiends are getting smarter and slicker.  Torrent sites have created a market within a market – they found ways to get around these anti-piracy efforts.

What’s worse, pirates and hackers seem to be joining forces, like the case of the RIAA. After they managed to shutdown Limewire, their own system crashed.  Could all these hacking incidents be in retaliation for the torrent sites that were shutdown?  Could be, if you take into account LulzSec’s statement regarding the reason for the leak last June was different from previous leaks–this was due to the fact that the leaked information came from one of their affiliations.

So who’s winning the war?  Are those Anti-piracy filters and efforts really working?  Can they really stop these rebel groups?  And as for the pirates and hackers, are they really that bad?  Some consider hackers and pirates as liberators of data and information, giving the public a sense of equality and access.  Many hackers say they’re just trying to make the government more transparent.  The government should be serving the people, not the other way around.  The country would be in better shape without all these conspiracies enveloping the system, but then again, who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory?

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