Google is always in the news, either because of legal issues, new products, Android dilemmas or whatever, since they’ve got their hands in almost every cookie jar. They were quite busy in the month of October as rumors surfaced that they’re planning on launching a music hub, but they are still in talks with record labels for permission to use or sell their music. Google’s really stretching out their media hubs, with some big plans for Google TV. Company chairman Eric Schmidt reiterated Google’s plans with connected devices, especially TVs, during his Asia tour.
Google Music
It was reported by The Verge that Google sent out invites for an event called ‘These Go To Eleven’ for November 16, Wednesday at 2 PM PST. The name of the event refers to Nigel Tufnel’s mockumentary “This is Spinal Tap.” Tufnel is Spinal Tap’s lead guitarist and is known for having an amplifier with volume knobs that went to 11. Though it wasn’t clear what the event was about, the site reported that according to sources close to the matter, the event will be the launch of Google Music.
The Spanish site Tecnodroidve.com published some screenshots of Google Music which was accessed on the writer’s HTC Inspire 4G. The writer said that by ‘doing dome tricks’ he was able to access the Google Music Store on his Android-powered device and he was able to hear sample music and even said that there is a free downloadable song per day.
As for licensing, the latest news is that Universal Music Group and Google already has a deal in place though there is no news yet as to whether Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, and EMI would be making a deal in time for the launch. If Google Music launches with a disappointing music list, people would not be flocking to the site to try it out.
Google TV
When Logitech announced that they’re backing out of producing Google TV set-top boxes, this opened up a new door for Google as there are rumors that LG electronics would be the next connected TV to showcase Google TV. It looks like Logitech may have made a mistake by prematurely backing out of their deal, though Android updates and tech support for the Revue set-top boxes would still be available for customers.
The LG Google TV is rumored to be released by January of 2012 during the Consumer Electronics Show which will run from January 10-12 at Las Vegas, Nevada.
Google X
Google has been known to taking things to a higher level, and some details are emerging around their hush-hush project Google X. This is where Google’s amazing ideas come from, like connected appliances. And thinking way out of the box helps the company stay fresh and intriguing.
Rumor has it, Google co-founder Sergey Brin is deeply involved in the project. He was recently quoted as saying, “Where I spend my time is farther afield projects, which we hope will graduate to important key businesses in the future,” though he did not mention Google X. Sources close to the matter stated that Brin and Larry Page came up with a list containing several ideas for their next project.
Google vs. —
As for Google’s rivals, Netflix, in preparation for their UK launch, was able to acquire an exclusive MGM deal and a multi-year exclusive on streaming Lionsgate UK titles. The only downside is, Netflix is already spending too much in preparation for their UK launch without thinking of the financial consequence if this expensive plan fails.
And another Google TV top contender, Amazon, is willing to lose millions of dollars to keep their Amazon Prime customers loyal and happy. According to AllThingsD, “Prime is so crucial to the Seattle-based company that it is willing to lose hundreds of millions of dollars a year on the program, by some analysts’ estimates. Until this year, Prime offered only quick shipping for $79 a year. But the online retailer has added services to Prime while keeping the price unchanged as a means of keeping customers loyal to Amazon’s more-profitable operations.”