The cold breeze of the holiday season is already sending the chill of excitement amongst merchandisers and online stores like eBay and Amazon. They’ve brought out a variety of early gimmicks to lure customers and fulfill holiday wishlists, which they’ve been tracking anyway based on your tags and purchasing behavior. With an increase in tablet sales comes an increase in app purchases, expanding the mobile ecosystem even further. This is what Android developers are banking on, with the ongoing integration of mobile payments technology.
An early supporter of no-credit-card-required billing options, PaymentOne offers Android developers tools to monetize apps and in-apps content. They’re targeting the 3 billion Android mobile phone users out there, many willing to consolidate around their smartphones. The availability of PayOne Mobile SDK with Android One Click API will enable one-click payments that show up on the following month’s bill. The system detects the user’s mobile phone number and sends a confirmation of the purchase via SMS.
Executive vice president of PaymentOne, Brad Singer recognizes the difficulty of monetizing that burdens most Android developers. He shares how PayOne Mobile SDK can help alleviate this load:
“The toughest challenge any developer faces is how to make money from their apps. Freemium is a great business model to engage consumers, and we enable developers to remove all friction at the point of purchase while maintaining a highly secure transaction. In a world where every connected device is ‘commerce ready,’ PaymentOne’s SDKs continue to optimize the payment process for the specific device, platform, media and user experience.”
Mobile payments gains big name partners
Aside from the Android update, mobile payments are now beginning to show incredible market presence with the biggest names launching several products and services. Visa, a global leader in cashless transactions, has vowed to offer mobile payments in developing nations. They have also recently introduced the Visa Developer Center. This will serve as a bank of resources that will empower developers behind e-commerce, mobile and social network payments to utilize Visa’s capabilities, putting their name behind another tract of the mobile industry.
The mobile payments industry promises to be a humongous niche by 2014, with revenue estimates reaching upwards of $245 billion, and the mobile app economy follows an uphill trend, too. Appealing to developers is one way to ensure ongoing interest in how these niches develop, nurturing innovation and sparking investor interest all the while.