Apple finally settled the iPhone 4 antennagate class action lawsuit filed against them in 2010. iPhone 4 owners who filed a claim can get a $15 check or a free bumper case from Apple. After the launch of the iPhone 4 in 2010, users noticed that the device loses its signal if you hold it in a certain way. Apple released the $29 bumper case, which allegedly solves/alleviates the antenna issue.
The preliminary approval was handed down by a judge last Friday, but the final ruling will be handed down in July. According to Ira Rothken of the Rothken Law Firm and the co-lead counsel for the class action lawsuit, the period for consumers to make claims is scheduled to start April 30 and will last 120 days. Those who bought an iPhone 4 or will buy an iPhone 4 before Friday of this week can file a claim.
iPad Trademark
As the iPad trademark issue escalates in China, a Chinese court has ordered local electronics vendor to stop selling iPads in lieu of the trademark dispute. According to Shenzhen Proview Technology lawyer Ma Dongxiao, a court in the Chinese city of Huizhou ruled that electronics retailer Sundan had to halt iPad sales at one of its stores. Sundan is still waiting for the court papers to arrive and the Chinese retailer is seeking to talk with Apple regarding the matter.
Apple is firm on their stand that they are the rightful owner of the iPad trademark, since they bought the rights from Proview International Holdings Ltd. in 2009. The Chinese computer display manufacturer contests that the iPhone maker only bought the rights to use the trademark in Taiwan and not worldwide. Proview has filed for bankruptcy and they are looking to be properly compensated for Apple’s trademark use. Though Proview has yet to state the exact amount they are asking for, others are saying that they might be seeking compensation ranging from $55,000 to $2 billion.
Motorola Mobility Patent Dispute
In Motorola Mobility’s annual report, the company stated that Apple is seeking assistance from the European Commission to intervene with the patent battle against Motorola.
“On February 17, 2012, the Company received a letter from the European Commission, Competition Directorate-General, (the ‘Commission’) notifying it that the Commission has received a complaint against Motorola Mobility, Inc. (‘MMI’) by Apple, Inc. (‘Apple’) regarding the enforcement of MMI’s standards-essential patents against Apple allegedly in breach of MMI’s FRAND commitments,” Motorola Mobility said in its annual report.
“Apple’s complaint seeks the Commission’s intervention with respect to standards-essential patents.”
It looks like Apple thinks they’re running out of options, so they had to ask for the EC’s assistance with the matter. Does this mean that Apple knows they’re fighting a losing battle?
Foxconn Scandal
As the world keeps their eyes on Apple’s Foxconn scandal, Apple is walking on egg shells, making sure every step taken is carefully thought out. Apple relies heavily on brand marketing, and consumers’ ability to identify with their products. Both Apple and Foxconn denied the horrible work conditions at the factory and Auret van Heerden’s, president of the Fair Labor Association and lead of the Foxconn investigation, premature conclusion, which was very positive, about the Foxconn investigation made a lot of people iffy about the truthfulness of the matter.
But Apple and Foxconn won’t let the premature conclusion affect their future. Apple gave ABC News’ Nightline TV program special access to Foxconn plants so people can see the work conditions in the plants and to ease the mind of the public that they are not slave drivers. Foxconn is also doing their part in cleaning their image as they declared that they would raise the salary of employees by 25% to about $400 before overtime pay and would reduce overtime hours.