While workplaces are rapidly adopting the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend, the Bring-Your-Own-Robot is on its way sooner or later. Bringing tablets and smartphones to offices has been a commonplace. This practice has grayed the line between personal and professional life with rampancy of available applications from Android Market, Apple iTunes, Amazon and more. But with the rise of artificial intelligence, robots could be the next big name within the professional arena.
In a Dell/Intel breakfast held in Sydney recently, Intel’s chief evangelist Steve Brown discussed about how he sees working remotely, sharing office spaces and “electronic teammates” as fractions of the next page of IT consumerization.
“Once people get them and they love them and they trust them, they’re going to want to bring these into the corporate environment,” Brown said. “They’re going to want a calendaring agent that spans their work life and their home life. They’re going to want a finance agent that understands their personal finances but also helps them write their expense reports in the office.”
Coincidentally, one of Google’s main men Eric Schmidt shares a parallel sightline. He sees comfort to life as the main driver of his idea that went as far as swallowing a robot daily to examine his internal organs. Schmidt of course wants to be transported to and fro the office with Google’s driverless car.
“He’ll have a good time and report back in the morning,” Schmidt says of a futuristic robot doppelganger.
On the other hand, personal data agents of the future will challenge IT managers of companies, especially when it comes to privacy. The scenario looks like this: an employee entrusting his or her data to a robot who would be managing his or her work schedule, finances, trips and more. With today’s BYOD, the IT folks are already burdened to secure confidential information within the company’s perimeter.
But the Bring Your Own Robots ideal goes beyond the comforts of workforce thriving inside a New York City skyscraper. This could also revolutionize manufacturing and labor. A recent article captured developments within the NASA’s Ames Research Center. Here, machines are created not only to think like humans, but carry out difficult and risk tasks. Other governmental and private organizations are testing their capabilities to create robots to perform the “three D’s of human labor”: dirty, dangerous and difficult. The U.S. has just developed robots that replace dolphins to be marine mine hunters. They are looking to phase out the Sea Mammal Program and retire the dolphins under their care. A robot working-class invasion has been foreseen.
Going back to the corporate living, Forex Striker is leading the stock market headlines with its promising system that led to some $450,000 in net profits of traders recently. It is the newest Forex robot to hit the town. Regardless of what investment experience or level of expertise you have, the Forex Striker could be a real deal money-making machine (or otherwise) for you.
As humanity moves forward with technology, the freaking thought of “robots replacing humans” will again and again surface.
“I don’t think we’re all at risk of being replaced by robots,” adds Mr Brown, comfortingly.
So, what will Bring Your Own Robot brings us then? A smarter-than-Siri virtual assistant, perhaps. How they worked centuries ago, is far more different that how we do it today. Inevitably, in the next hundred years, Apple Siri and Google Now will become obsolete and ancient.