The little matter of mobile OS fragmentation is trivialized for most Apple users, freed from the staggered updates that roll through Android devices seemingly with the wind. It’s been one of the perks of owning an iPhone over an Android handset, but that doesn’t mean Apple users are completely immune to OS update woes.
Users who quickly updated their devices to iOS 6.1 upon release last week caused excessive logging on Microsoft Exchange servers. IT experts believe that there is a bug in Apple’s ActiveSync, or how its mail app communicates with Exchange.
“I’ve picked up a few other reports that cannot be publicly attributed at this point that also refer to excessive transaction log generation after iOS 6.1 devices are introduced into Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2007 environments,” Windows IT Pro’s Tony Redmond wrote on his post. “I assume the same is true for Exchange 2013 as the underlying cause is likely to be in Apple’s mail app code that calls ActiveSync to synchronize with a user’s Exchange mailbox, with some indications being that the problem is once again associated with calendar events. You’d think that Apple would have learned after the iOS 6.0 calendar hijack fiasco.”
The iOS 6.0 calendar hijack fiasco was also related to Apple’s ActiveSync that caused disruption when using or editing an iOS device’s calendar app. Some reported editing calendar details, which were sent out as cancellation messages to meeting attendees.
This is one of the problems of BYOD. IT administrators do not have the power to control when employees update their devices, and in this case, many have already performed the update, leaving IT with no choice but to block iOS 6.1 users from accessing corporate Exchange to prevent further complications.
iOS users who use their devices for work are advised not to update their devices until the bug has been fixed. For those who have already updated their devices, there is no work around and once cannot revert to the previous iOS version.
Apple has yet to acknowledge the issue, and there’s no news yet when the bug will be fixed. Here with more analysis on iOS 6.1’s bug and the trouble it’s causing in the enterprise world is contributing editor John Casaretto, who appeared on this morning’s NewsDesk show with Kristin Feledy.
The iOS 6.1 update is not only causing problems for business, but in the UK, it’s causing connectivity issues.
Two European mobile operators, Vodafone UK and 3 Austria, have warned iPhone 4S users to hold off in updating their devices to the latest iOS version as it causes 3G connectivity problems.
Both operators have issued a statement for their customers asking them not to update their devices until Apple fixes the bug.
“We’re aware of an issue caused by Apple iPhone 4s handsets that have been upgraded to iOS 6.1 which impacts performance on 3G.
Some customers may occasionally experience difficulty in connecting to the network to make or receive calls or texts or to connect to the Internet. Apple is working on a solution to their software issue. These connection problems are intermittent.
While Apple’s investigations continue, we would recommend that anyone who has not yet installed iOS 6.1 on their iPhone 4s should delay doing so until Apple has confirmed that their problem has been fixed,” Vodafone said in a statement.