Much of the media has been focusing on a number of stories coming out of North Korea, including the typical threats of invasion of the South, all the way to the extraordinarily uncommon and worrying acts of cutting off contact, and nuclear tests.
But threats and posturing aside, the Korean War may have just gotten a bit hotter with the latest news coming from the peninsula.
Two major banks and three South Korean broadcasters were brought down in an attack Wednesday that was traced to originate from a server in China, however, Chinese officials were quick to point the blame to North Korea, stating “Hackers often use the IP addresses of other countries to carry out their attacks.”
The attack seemed even more like a coordinated military attack, simply due to many of the circumstances surrounding it.
“These things happened simultaneously,” said John Casaretto in this morning’s NewsDesk. “They found that the software to blame was a malicious wiper program which deletes computer files.” He added, “it’s…a crude but obviously a massive and obviously timed attack.”
Though there isn’t necessarily any proof that this attack was issued by the North, Casaretto was careful to point out that not only was this attack nothing new, but the political timing surrounding other threats makes this “attributable to North Korea.”
Though there is some debate as to whether or not this attack was state sponsored, however, whoever is behind the attack, they surely are responsible for escalating an already tumultuous situation.
Either way, we will keep you up to date on this story as more information continues to come out.