A report has emerged stating that Oracle is blocking access to its sites from Iran. The block could mean that any Iranian servers that are using Oracle will be unable to update their systems, at least by conventional methods, leaving them exposed and vulnerable to zero-day and breaking exploits.
It is also interesting that the URL states that there appears to be an embargo – www.oracle.com/splash/rpls/embargoed.html
Perhaps this is an indication of the promised, stiffer sanctions by the US against Iran, though there is little evidence to indicate there has been such a sanction that applies to the internet and American-based web sites. On the other hand, it is notable that there have been cyber-operations against Iran, thought they were not exactly attributed to the US. This may be a prelude to some type of exploit. We may see further reports of such an embargo of Iranian traffic to US server systems in weeks to come, so stay tuned.
A visit to the page from Iran gives the user the message from the following URL:
In compliance with U.S. and applicable export laws we are unable to process your request. Please contact RPLS-Ops_ww@oracle.com if you believe you are receiving this notice in error.