This week Tokutek released the source code of TokuDB v7, the latest version of its flagship storage acceleration engine for MySQL and MariaDB. The company also announced a new commercial offering targeted at enterprise customers.
TokuDB Community Edition comes with a number of bug fixes and tweaks for the two supported databases, as well as a few open-source utilities such as iiBench, a tool for measuring performance on insertion-heavy workloads. Unlike the free trial versions previous TokuDB releases, this one can be deployed in production environments.
TokuDB Enterprise Edition features the same underlying code as Community Edition, as well as technical support, initial customer onboarding services, and Tokutek’s closed-source “advanced tools for backup and recovery”.
“With TokuDB v7 going open source, enterprise developers now have an easily accessible platform with which to improve scalability and performance of MySQL and MariaDB deployments,” said Jeff Kelly, Big Data analyst with Wikibon. “I also expect the open source community to accelerate the platform’s development, leading to Tokutek’s fast indexing and write-optimized compression capabilities being applied to an extended set of databases.”
Jeff Kelly caught up with Tokutek marketing VP Lawrence Schwartz during last month’s O’Reilly Strata Conference to discuss his company’s database technology. The executive revealed that the firm is planning to add support for NoSQL databases such as MongoDB in the future, and talked about how TokuDB shines in environments that require both scalability and high-performance.
Tokutek’s product announcement comes a month after MapR open-sourced its Hadoop distrbution and enhanced versions of 12 other Apache projects, including Hive, Pig, Cascading, HCatalog, HBase, Oozie, Flume, Sqoop, Mahout and Whirr. The vendor teamed up with Canonical to develop an Ubuntu flavor that features native integration with the bundle.