Jeff Frick interviewed James Ferguson, CEO of kWIQly, at the Fluent Conference 2013 as part of theCube, our flagship broadcast program streaming live segments from the event.
Talking a bit about kWIQly’s background, James Ferguson proudly mentioned the long-standing history of the company in the energy management sector. The main purpose of the company is to help people save energy.
kWIQly’s clients include the Tower of London, Cambridge University College, a number of industrial complexes (Honeywell, BP, Pfizer), the London Guildhall, and several hospitals, army barracks and housing buildings in London Boroughs.
When confronted with a great deal of number crunching, the team came to the realization that the value in energy management didn’t rest in the routine analyses they were forced to perform, but in taking responsibility for and managing activities.
Responsible data management
The concept is delivered as an SaaS solution. Because energy management is (or should be) a continual process, kWIQly is highlighting issues that require attention to allow users to maximize return on their limited resources. SaaS connects with devices (smart meters) and, along with independent data in stored the cloud, creates a framework that supports workflow management. Based on the evidence, this set up allows users to identify their priorities and quantify achievable energy savings. By providing service on an on-going basis, kWIQly is also building customer relationships, supporting client retention rates as it enhances revenue.
The company makes use of new technology (insisting that new engineering products can now be built in the browser using WebGL), new resources (world weather data), analytics on a server and pattern recognition.
kWIQLy’s name stands for Fast Energy Intelligence (kW = kilowatt, IQ = intelligence, Ly = fast). The company targets small and medium enterprise buildings with smart meter data collection facilities that are not intensive energy users (office & retail spaces, schools, public buildings). Statistically, the annual loss of energy in public buildings represents 1.5 trillion dollars. Thus, kWIQly represents the difference between profitability to loss for a small business.
See Ferguson’s entire segment below.