This week’s Quantified Self roundup features an app that doesn’t rely on external hardware to record your self-quantified data, a crowdfunding project that analyzes sleep activities without having to wear any gadget, and a fitness band that combines sleep and diet data for better recommendations.
Early in September, Humanco Inc. launched an app that is able to record your activities without having to rely on wearable devices, such as fitness bands, to learn more about yourself. Humanco believes that smartphones are already wearable computers, since they have sensors like an accelerometer and a gyroscope to analyze movement and orientation. All you need is an app that is able to record activities such as walking, running, jogging, along with the ability to set goals and see progress.
That’s where Human comes in. The app is free and you don’t need to buy an accessory to start assessing yourself. All you need is your smartphone.
Some people have trouble sleeping when they’re wearing jewelry, any item of clothing, and most of all sleep tracker bracelets. So if you want to track your sleep patterns and activities without having to wear anything, be sure to back the Beddit Indiegogo project.
This device is not something you wear, instead placing the Beddit sensor under your bed sheet and sleeping on it. The sensor is ultra-thin so don’t worry about it being uncomfortable. Beddit connects to your smartphone via an app and tracks sleep quality, heart rate, breathing rhythm, movement, sleep stages, snoring, as well as the sleeping environment, noise level and light.
You also get personalized coaching tips and guidance based on your results regarding how you can improve your sleep and wellness. Beddit has already surpassed its stretch goal of $200,000 with 22 more days left until the project concludes.
Most fitness bands just helps you track your activities and sleep patterns, but how will achieve a healthier body when you don’t know if you’re eating the right food? larklife, the quantified self band and app, helps you to track your activity and sleep patterns, but also gives advice on what foods are suitable for you.
You wear the wristband to track your activities and sleep, while the app lets you know when its right to eat heavily, just take a snack, sit down and enjoy a meal, and even tell you if the food you are about to gobble down is healthy or not. Being healthy and becoming the best version of yourself is not all about exercising alone. You need the right amount of hours of sleep and to look healthy, and you need to eat healthy.