Twitter Inc. may be looking to expand its international mobile market by acquiring India-based tech startup ZipDial, according to reports by TechCrunch.
ZipDial is an emerging market startup that uses missed calls as a form of user verification. With ZipDial, users can call a number and hangup without incurring mobile charges. The hangup acts as a signal for different types of systems, including coupon redemption, mobile number verification, subscription activation and more.
ZipDial’s system already allows some functionality with Twitter. According to the startup’s website, “A simple missed call to a number assigned to a Twitter handle can enable the delivery of tweets via SMS free of charge to the consumer.” This allows users to subscribe to tweets via SMS from a select number of popular accounts, most of which are Indian celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan.
ZipDial already has several big-name clients, including PepsiCo Inc., Disney Channel, and Mattel Inc. ZipDial dubs itself “World’s most effective marketing platform for Emerging Markets.”
Acquiring ZipDial would help Twitter make strides in monetizing users who view tweets without logging in, and even users who do not have their own Twitter accounts at all. It would also give Twitter a foot in the door in the rapidly growing Indian mobile market.
Earlier in July 2014, Facebook Inc. also partnered with ZipDial to use the startup’s missed calls system to engage consumers in ad campaigns without the need for smartphones or data plans.
“Nearly half of the world’s population today resides in emerging markets,” ZipDial’s Tina Datta Nayak wrote at the time. “The next 3 billion consumers are potentially the fastest growing set of consumers who are ready to engage with brands and are using their mobile phones to stay connected.”
India represents a market of over 1.2 billion people that is largely untapped by western corporations. India is the second most populous country behind China, and some projections say that it might surpass China’s population within the next few decades.
Twitter has neither confirmed nor denied the reports surrounding its possible acquisition of ZipDial, saying simply, “We don’t comment on rumor and speculation.”