The Christmas Day distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that took down Xbox Live and PlayStation Network are beginning to catch up with alleged perpetrators. An 18-year-old man was arrested on Friday in connection with the attacks, U.K. law enforcement agency South East Regional Organized Crime Unit (SEROCU) announced in a series of tweets.
An 18-year-old man was arrested this morning (16/1) in Boundary Street, Southport on under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 #DDOS #xboxlivedown
— SEROCU (@SouthEastROCU) January 16, 2015
The teen, whose name was not released, was arrested Friday morning in Southport on multiple offenses related to computer crimes. The agency also did not release if the teen in question is related to Lizard Squad, the Internet mayhem group who took credit for the Christmas Day attacks.
“In response to your question about Lizard Squad — we cannot comment on the specifics of the investigation,” Connie Primmer, press officer with the unit, told Polygon.
On Christmas Day, 2014, both Xbox Live and the PlayStation suffered almost day-long outages from sustained DDoS attacks. Internet mayhem crew Lizard Squad predicted the outages, after taking credit for preparatory attacks. Shortly after taking credit for the Christmas Day attacks, Lizard Squad unveiled a public DDoS-for-hire site capable of executing the same sustained attacks and put the service up for public consumption.
“This investigation is a good example of joint law enforcement cooperation in relation to a type of criminality that is not restricted by any geographical boundaries,” Craig Jones, head of the Cyber Crime Unit at SEROCU, said in a statement. “We are still at the early stages of the investigation and there is still much work to be done. We will continue to work closely with the FBI to identify those to who commit offenses and hold them to account.”
This represents the third suspect potentially involved with the Christmas Day attacks under investigation or arrested by law enforcement. In late December, reports surfaced that the FBI was investigating a U.K. man known as “ryanc” or Ryan, who may live in Finland. And, in early January U.K. police arrested Vinnie Omari, a 22-year-old British citizen and raided his home on suspicion of his connection to the attacks.
This series of arrests is reminiscent of the breakup of the infamous LulzSec Internet mayhem crew. LulzSec also engaged in DDoS attacks against gaming networks in 2011 and its members were eventually rooted out and arrested by law enforcement.