Rooms, Microsoft’s Windows Phone app that was launched in 2012, will no longer be supported by the company. The app, which was considered to be an extension of the People hub, was a social app that allowed users to chat, share files, photos and calendars in private groups. Support for the feature will be ended in March, although Windows Phone 8 users will still be able to access their old rooms, they just won’t be able to create new Rooms, make memberships, permit changes and send new messages.
In an email Microsoft wrote, “We’re making way for new features in Windows 10 that will help you stay in touch with the people that matter most. Once you update to Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones, rooms will no longer show up on your phone.”
While the move is sure to irk those who have grown accustomed to using the feature it’s not surprising given Microsoft’s vision of having its software on various operating systems. If you’re a Rooms user we suggest you rally the troops and find another way to keep in touch and also back up any information you want to save. As far as messaging goes with Windows 10 it’s likely Microsoft will let us know soon what will be available. The company was not forthcoming about new messaging features, and all we heard in a Windows Phone Service update was, “We’re making way for new features in Windows 10 that will help you stay in touch with the people that matter most.” Judging by responses online it seems a lot of folks are a little upset to be shut out of Rooms for good.
If you want to sign-up to the Windows 10 for phones preview you can join the insider program.
Photo credit: Cristian V via photopin cc