Yooka-Laylee, the “buddy duo platformer” created by ex-Rare devs as a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, has successfully completed its Kickstarter campaign with a finally tally of £2,090,104 (nearly $3.3 million USD). The campaign reached its £175,000 goal within 40 minutes of going live, and it has blown past every stretch goal set by the creators.
“47 days ago we started this Kickstarter campaign – our first Kickstarter – with little idea of what we were letting ourselves in for,” the developers wrote in an update on Kickstarter. “We know how to make games, but we didn’t know much about Kickstarters. We’d taken plenty of advice from plenty of people, but really didn’t know how it would turn out. We were still amending and tweaking the Kickstarter page minutes before we went live, to see what could be added, what would look better, what could be said more clearly.”
They added, “The rest of course, is history, but through these past 47 days we’ve felt an incredible level of positive support from everyone, whether they opted to back us or not. For that, we are extremely grateful!”
Some of the stretch goals reached for Yooka-Laylee include a full orchestral soundtrack, local co-op and multiplayer, and simultaneous console and PC releases. The game itself will be available on just about every platform out there, including PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Wii U. Yooka-Laylee will also be localized into at least four other languages, with additional languages voted on by fans.
While the Kickstarter campaign has officially ended, you still have a short time to gain backer perks by donating to the game through PayPal. As part of Yooka-Laylee’s final stretch goal, everyone who backed the game through Kickstarter or PayPal will get all future DLC for free.
An official release date for the game is likely a long way off, but writer and editor Andy Robinson told Eurogamer, “Work starts now. Yooka-Laylee’s success has been well beyond any of our expectations. Now it’s heads down. We’ll obliviously keep up with fans via social media, but hopefully the next time that the public see the game it will be much more advanced.”