For a relatively small company, Red Hat, inc. has become a major player in open source technology.
“It is definitely more than a Linux company,” said theCUBE cohost Dave Vellante, summarizing day one of Red Hat Summit 2015. “This conference is ground zero for an open-source revolution.”
With its partner ecosystem and continued enterprise platform success, Red Hat is “pretty much acquisition proof,” said Vellante, noting how large companies tend to gobble up the smaller fish as they become successful. “We need a company like Red Hat that can guarantee innovation.”
Vellante and cohost Stu Miniman recognize that with open source you can “do much more than what can be done inside any single organization,” said Miniman. “We all know that there are many more smart people out there than what’s inside one organization. If you can tap into that, that’s hugely powerful. That’s the wave of open source.”
Watch the full interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of Red Hat Summit 2015.