While Batman: Arkham Knight may be a game of the year contender on consoles, the title has yet to make its way back to the PC. It has been nearly two months since the game’s publisher, Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment, was forced to pull the game from digital store shelves due to the laughably bad state of the PC port, which included game-breaking bugs and horrendous graphics issues.
In July, the publisher promised that an interim patch would be released in August that would be aimed at getting the game kind-of-sort-of working for the players who did not jump ship with a refund while they still could. Now it looks like that patch is on the way, but it might not be coming as soon as Warner Bros promised.
“The teams have been working hard to address the issues with the PC version of the game,” Warner Bros said in an update on the game’s Steam page. “We are happy to confirm that we are now putting the first interim patch into testing. If all goes well, we expect to issue the patch in the next few weeks. We’ll be sure to report back in the next two weeks on how the testing is coming along.”
Here is the list of promised fixes addressed in the upcoming patch:
• Reduced frame rate hitches
• Optimized system memory and VRAM usage
• Improved performance on all GPUs (requires the latest drivers)
o Min Spec AMD GPU is once again the Radeon HD 7870 2GB• More Robust In-Game Settings, including:
o Added the ability to change settings for Max FPS to 30/60/90
o Added toggles for Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, and Film Grain
o Added a “High” Texture Resolution value
o Added Texture Filtering option
o Added an Adaptive V-Sync option (NVIDIA only)
o Added VRAM Usage Meter
o Added Mouse Sensitivity Slider & Mouse Smoothing Option• Fixed low resolution texture bugs
• Fixed hitches when running on mechanical hard drives (HDD)
Shockingly, there have been a few gamers on the Arkham Knight Steam community page defending Warner Bros, saying that the publisher is working hard to get the game fixed so people can play it. I believe the proper industry term for these players is “suckers.”