The big disruptor now is the lightweight nature of container technology, according to Apcera, Inc. CEO Derek Collison. The bleeding-edge companies, such as Netflix, which use AMIs and containers, fuel this disruption. Collison talked with John Furrier, cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, during OpenStack Silicon Valley.
“If it’s a container, it’s extra lightweight, and there’s a repository of them supported by the vendor,” he said. “I can build faster by building less and assembling more. To me, that’s the disrupting thing that’s happening.”
But as developers consider lightweight, is OpenStack too heavy? “It’s fun to geek out about container technology,” said Collison. “Everyone wants faster, lighter, cheaper, but to a point where it fundamentally changes how you do things. OpenStack needs to figure out how to be relevant in that world.”
The disruption in Apcera’s Hybrid Cloud Operating System comes in applying diverse workloads. “We apply those diverse workloads in a multicloud platform with a policy-driven framework that actually enforces everything the same way on every public Cloud provider,” said Collison. “We embrace Docker natively, but also embrace other workloads. It’s a diverse world.”
Watch the full interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of the OpenStack Silicon Valley 2015.