“Alas, poor Yorick!”
The transience of the human condition is a classic tragedy. In modern times, we lament the squandering of freedom and the voices that dare echo freedom’s virtues. Ideas however, are not transient. They can endure, and the biggest idea of all is freedom. Our freedom is worth more than everything else, our democracy must be saved at any cost.
Lawrence Lessig left the presidential race yesterday. Running a traditional campaign, he sadly fell upon the rails of what our democracy has become – a massive and almost unstoppable machine. Among claims that he was forced out from the Democratic Party debates, it is an unfortunate development that a voice like this has been silenced.
Bloated, corrupt, lost, and bought by big money, the process of selecting our leaders has become a joke that has no punchline. That is why my campaign is different. I will be a president for the people, not for the government, as it was designed in the beginning.
Lawrence, we would all like to thank you for fighting the good fight. This man had a strong interest in freedom, and he was a vocal proponent for campaign finance reform. These are tremendous notions that deserved their day in the public forum.
As a people, we have to embrace freedom and we have to demand it. Daily.
Like it or not, we are not free and as Americans, we face many issues that are a direct result of how our government has come to function. Ultimately, my campaign is about taking back power for the people and about unleashing the American spirit. Taking back freedom starts with the credibility that is gained in respecting the privacy of the American citizen. Next, by protecting our country on one of the most threatening fronts known to mankind in the field of cybersecurity, we stake our position of strength. By positioning secured technology of all types as the centerpiece of our American product, we can reclaim and maintain excellence.
It seems that in these times, the very idea and the very words that started this country are considered treason. It is truly insane. There is no clearer example than that of the surveillance state we live in.
There is an undue state of leverage against the American people, and it only exists because of the massive stakes and the trap of money that is seemingly inescapable. Every single day, Americans face threats that suppress their voice, suppress their options, and ultimately to suppress freedom. That is un-American, yet it is what many people perceive as normal for our government and politics today.
We must save our democracy. There is little doubt that government has completely overstepped its bounds. You can hardly go to the store, log on to the internet, change a light bulb, step outside, go to the park, and countless other everyday activities without being affected in some way by government regulation, rules, taxes, and unbridled power. This has to stop and we must demand freedom.
I ask the American citizen to beckon the call and support the cause to turn back the tide. Support John McAfee for President.