Despite some recent consolidation, the IT monitoring segment remains among the most crowded in the entire enterprise technology world. Numerous providers from big names like New Relic Inc. to emerging startups such as Ruxit Inc. and BigPanda Inc. offer to use the vast amounts of data coming off corporate infrastructure in order to automatically alert of operational problems. But administrators have far less choice and flexibility in how they react to those alerts, a constraint VictorOps Inc. hopes to address with the help of the new capital from its latest funding round.
The three-year-old startup has bagged $10.6 million courtesy of The Foundry Group and Costanoa Venture Capital to fund the development of more features for its namesake notification service, which promises to eliminate the coordination issues that plague traditional troubleshooting processes. VictorOps aggregates data from different monitoring solutions that a company uses in its environment, picks out important entries and distributes them to the relevant parties on an automated basis.
That means an administrator is only notified if a problem falls into their area of responsibility, which can save a great deal of mental energy better spent on more productive activities. In the case that something does happen break under their watch, however, VictorOps provides the means to deal with the issue. Each alert includes a full timeline of the important operational events that occurred in the run-up to the incident that the company says makes it possible to understand the issue much faster than alternatives allow.
Once an administrator has figured out what went wrong, they can use the built-in chat capability to bring their colleagues up to speed and ask for assistance. The messenger can come particularly handy when dealing with problems that affect more than one part of an environment, which are becoming increasingly common as the services on which organizations rely grow more and more interdependent.
The new investment will help VictorOps expand upon that functionality to become more competitive against rival PagerDuty Inc., which has raised more than twice as much funding to date. The startup also plans to invest some of the capital in its customer-facing activities to maintain the 33 percent average quarterly bookings growth its service has seen over the last two years.