It has been just under five months since Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, said that PlayStation 4 would be getting official PC and Mac remote play support, and now that update will finally be arriving tomorrow.
The new feature will allow PlayStation 4 owners to play their games remotely using a computer running Windows 8.1, Windows 10, OS X 10.10, and OS X 10.11.
Since streaming current-gen games can be a little taxing on both users’ PCs and their bandwidth, the remote play feature will offer a choice between resolutions at 360p, 540p, and 720p, as well as a choice between 30 frames per second and 60 frames per second.
Players must connect their DualShock 4 controller to their PC via a USB cable in order to play the streamed games.
In addition to PC remote play support, the upcoming PlayStation 4 update also adds a number of other new features.
This includes the ability to receive notifications for when a friend signs on, as well as the option to appear offline so no one can see all of the embarrassing games you play when no one is looking.
The update will also introduce the new User Scheduled Event feature, which allows PlayStation users to schedule play sessions with friends, making it easier to organize multiplayer groups. You will also be able to post event to any group or community you belong to on the PlayStation Network, and other members can sign up for the event through the UI.
The last big feature arriving in tomorrow’s update is Play Together, which shows what games your friends are currently playing and makes it easier to drop in and play with them.