There are two phrases that define the next generation of business computing: Big Data and ecosystem. Hadoop, an open-source platform for Big Data, succeeds in both these arenas. As the community adopts Hadoop, so must bigger players up the chain. Now, the Hadoop framework is entering the enterprise world. With it comes a community dedicated to seeing Hadoop to the next generation in Big Data management.
To gain some insight on how Hadoop is moving into the enterprise world, John Furrier (@furrier) and Peter Burris (@plburris), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, visited the Hadoop Summit US 2016 conference in San Jose, California. There, they spoke with Rob Bearden, CEO of Hortonworks, Inc.
The conversation opened with a look at the broader community around the project. Bearden explained how there’s more than one group involved, as the conference had representation from several communities. This says Hadoop has become an enterprise-viable platform.
“Major enterprise players are here because their customers are adopting Hadoop in scale and en masse,” Bearden said. He stressed it’s important for these companies to make sure their products are part of this ecosystem.
Bearden described how step one on this path was making sure Hadoop had the capability to become an enterprise-level platform. Now, the goal is to make it easy for the community to deploy next-gen applications using the data Hadoop manages.
The discussion moved toward what would take Hadoop to the next level. Bearden pointed out that Hadoop is opening to the next generation. No one company can take it there; this is about the ecosystem. As to what’s next, it’s about cross-platform architectures, Cloud and on-premises, and doing it all transparently.
Bearden explained the end was to see central security, central governance and central management platforms standing wherever the data may be. They’re looking for a common method of managing and governing the data — be it in motion or at rest.
“We have to make that easier to use,” he said.
Watch the complete video interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of the Hadoop Summit US.