Google Inc. has entered the domain name market in a big way, launching the .app extension three years after acquiring the rights to do so.
It’s pitched as the first top-level domain name to come with security built in, since every .app extension has Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure or https by default. Google said that along with being an ideal TLD for app makers, it will also assist in protecting against ad malware and tracking injection by ISPs, in addition to safeguarding against spying on open WiFi networks.
“With a memorable .app domain name, it’s easy for people to find and learn more about your app,” Google said in a blog post. “You can use your new domain as a landing page to share trustworthy download links, keep users up to date and deep link to in-app content.”
Although the .app TLD doesn’t officially go on sale to the public until May 8, the early access program, which costs a surprisingly steep $12,500 to register one under the early access program, has already seen 3,068 registrations as of Tuesday morning, according to Domain Incite. Among the first to register under the .app TLD are big names such Uber Technologies Inc. and the Facebook Inc.-owned Instagram, along with celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus.
There’s no suggestion that Google will rank .app domain names higher in its search results, but the company has constantly said, as far back as 2014, that it will give preference to websites with https in its search results over those that have not deployed it.
In February, the search giant doubled down on its preference for https websites, saying that as of July it would mark all websites that do not use https as “not secure.” So even without any actual change or preference from Google, sites using the new domain would immediately rank higher in search results, meaning that even a week before they go on sale to the public, they are likely to be hugely popular.