Morgan Warstler

Latest from Morgan Warstler

Thoughts on the Brand Power of Google Me

Everyone Googles themselves. So, can Google harness that compulsion in order to compete with Facebook on WebID? Off the bat, they grant each provable user identity (no BigTool4U) the ability to grab the first Google result in any search on their name.  Register, prove who you are, own the top spot. Local filtering would be ...

Google TV Neutered on Purpose?

The interesting thing about Google TV is what they are not doing and it leads to a number of unfortunate conclusions. They are not using an encoder based chip.  And it isn’t a question of cost, in fact they are making a far more expensive device for the sole purpose of limiting what it can ...

Technologists: A Call For A MetaPolitical Party

Recently, I argued with Fred Wilson until he changed his mind about Net Neutrality. I’ll explain the stuff he had to grant later, but the greater point and what has disturbed me is that Fred is a guy who nails it so routinely it boggles the mind; but even he is more than willing to ...