Nick R. Brown

Nicholas R. Brown hails from Atlanta, where he currently resides after a recent stint in Washington, DC. He brings with him undergraduate degrees in political science and journalism, and a Masters of Public Administration. Mr. Brown specializes in High-Technology and Internet policy, and is a passionate political blogger and currently works for Digital Society. Additionally he has spent time with The Heritage Foundation and Competitive Enterprise Institute, he runs the website and is a contributor at The Daily Caller.

Latest from Nick R. Brown

Thoughts on the President’s Call for High Speed Internet

In last night’s State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama called on America to rebuild to win the future.  Part of the rebuilding America effort that the President mentioned was High Speed Internet.  He additionally noted that our infrastructure used to be the best – but our lead has slipped.  South Korean homes now ...

Top 5 Tech Policy Issues of 2011

It has been a busy 2010 in the world of technology policy, and now we head full tilt into the wild blue yonder of 2011 hoping for free market successes and less rain slicked precipices.  It should be noted that this Top 5 list is of my own accord (As an aside I’ve always find ...

World of Warcraft Goes to Court

Just by sheer statistical reality many of our readers have to have journeyed the world of Azeroth.  1 in every 25 people in the United States plays World of Warcraft, and being that Digital Society has a techcentric focus that rate is most likely drastically higher. I am personally an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role ...

Federal Irony Commission

In all the chatter across the net about the Federal Communications Commissions passage of Net Neutrality rules I have yet to see anyone point out the ironic part of the “unofficial announcement of Commission action” press release. While many are focusing on the technical details and pondering the future affects on the business of the ...

Comcast-Level 3: Net Neutrality the New “Fire in a Movie Theater”

It seems like every time there is a problem between business relationships in the telecom world these days, one side screams “Net Neutrality” and the blogosphere, twitterverse and news media go bananas.  It’s like screaming fire in a movie theater, or yelling bomb in an airport, or even playing the race card in some hotly ...

Black Ops Shows Digital Entertainment Still Ticking In Rough Economy

Reuters reported that Call of Duty: Black Ops set a first-day sales record of 5.6 million copies of the game sold for roughly $360 million in first day sales.  The first-day sales results beat out last years Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 which sold 4.7 million copies its first day, but went on to ...

Lessig: “[Copyright System will] Never Work On The Internet”

Last week Larry Lessig challenged the World Intellectual Property Organization to take the lead in overhauling current copyright law.  Lessig believes the current system has failed at providing both the protection and guidelines for creative professionals, scientific research, and amateurs alike. “And its failure is not an accident.  It’s implicit in the architecture of copyright ...

There’s Nothing Wrong With Facebook Lobbying Against Social Network Bill

Mashable posted a story late in the day on Wednesday about Facebook spending $6,600 lobbying against a social networking bill in California.  The California bill, which can be found here, was set to make it illegal for any social networking site user from the state of California to post their personal home address or telephone ...