Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

With Docker-as-a-Service, Google wants developers to think beyond cloud

Cloud today has not yet become what developers want. The promise of cloud computing today is realized only in part: there are still too many problems associated with the development and on-premises deployment. Google sees an opportunity here and wants to do even better. During the second Google Cloud Platform Live at Mission Bay Convention ...

MIT’s Chisel lets developers exploit error-prone chips to save power

MIT researchers are currently working on Chisel, a system that allows programmers to reduce their energy consumption. On the occasion of the OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages ​​and Applications) conference, an annual event dedicated to object-oriented programming, MIT introduced a system that allows programmers to identify sections of their code able to tolerate error-prone computation. ...

Reddit has users and cash on its side as it takes on Kickstarter

The idea of crowdfunding is already more than accepted among Internet as a way to buy more goods, while helping creators and entrepreneurs. But what happens when this concept comes together with one of the most influential Internet communities? The result is Redditmade, a new service created by Reddit Inc., one of the largest aggregators ...

After 15 years and 4,000 bug fixes, HTML5 is ready for developers

After years of work, HTML5 is now officially a standard. The W3C group, the committee on the global standards of Web sites, announced that the technology has gained “Recommendation” status, which corresponds to a final version of HTML5. But as the consortium says in its press release, it is an evolving standard, and many issues remain to be ...

Fabric: Twitter wants developers to build the future of mobile software

On the occasion of Twitter’s Flight conference held last week in San Francisco, the company unveiled Fabric, a software development kit designed to help developers build, develop and monetize their mobile apps. The tool contains three parts: Twitter Kit, MoPub, and Crashlytics; all developer’s tool with easy ways to manage app logins, make money off ads, and test ...

New GitHub Student Developer Pack is great news for novice developers

There’s no substitute for real world experience, but for most students, real world tools can be cost prohibitive. For the novice developer, coder, hacker, and open source fanatics among us there’s currently a pretty interesting offer from GitHub. All you need is proof that you are a student, e.g. a university email account and have ...

Java 8, Apache Spark set for rapid adoption

Java 8 shows signs of rapid adoption since its launch. A report by Typesafe, the company responsible for the development and support of the Scala language for the JVM, shows that the platform does not seem to suffer the same slow adoption of previous Java versions. Typesafe surveyed more than 3000 Java developers, asking about upgrade ...

GIFs are about to change social media like you never imagined

Introduced in 1987 by CompuServe, the GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is still alive, because it allows users to create animated images. GIF became part of the Internet culture and is now widely available, some might say ubiquitous, even on photo forums. Later in 1989, the company introduced the world a updated version of the standard, 89a, ...

CRASH Report: Agile and Waterfall two great tastes that go great together

CAST software, which develops an Application Intelligence Platform (AIP) for analyzing the structural quality of software, released its third biennial CAST Research on Application Software Health (CRASH) report on agile development. The report states that the software development community benefits most in terms of robust and secure applications when enterprise software is built using a ...

DevOps Weekly Round-Up: Open source, Docker, and Android 64-bit

Last week, Microsoft announced Docker container engine for its Azure platform, also Orchestrate added Orchestrate Enterprise for rapid, massively scalable enterprise application development. Oculus Rift took the virtual reality to the next level by open sourcing its developer kit. This and more in this week DevOps round up. Open source role for developer community Oculus VR ...