Now this is just a little interesting. In the 24 hours following that stupid pants-burning "terrorist" attempt on the Northwest Airlines flight coming into Detroit from Amsterdam, over 4,000 Nigerians have joined a new Facebook page – We Condemn Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s Action: Nigerians are NOT Terrorists – to denounce, disown and worse Abdulmutallab.
Boing Boing has already taken to calling him Mr. Sizzly Pants. They also quoted Bruce Schneier: Bruce Schneier today blogged, " Do we really think the terrorist won’t think of blowing up their improvised explosive devices during the first hour of flight?" And as Schneier wrote back in 2008, "Only two things have made flying safer [since 9/11]: the reinforcement of cockpit doors, and the fact that passengers know now to resist hijackers."
A lot of them are simply asking for him to be returned to Nigeria where they’ll happily take care of him the Nigerian Way. Maybe if nothing else deters these idiots, making a mockery of his stupidity might at least help people blow off some steam from having to run the TSA gauntlet at our airports this holiday season.
Personally, I think they should be showing a lot of pictures on the news of what he looked like after his ass-whooping from fellow passengers. And in another brilliant overreaction (what else is new?), Homeland Security has proposed no going to the bathroom an hour before the flight touches down.
Now, people will have to sit strapped into their seats for that final hour AFTER they’ve given you liberal doses of liquid libations? Good luck with that! I can just see the next idiot coming up with a new terrorist "Pee Bomb" so he doesn’t have to get up from his seat…
It’s reported he’s facing 20 years and a $250,000 fine. Enough already with the stupid kneejerk reactions to hapless terrorists! Perhaps airlines need to simply add an eject chute to all airplanes. Then the passengers can vote the guy OFF the plane after beating the crap out of him and hit that EJECT button (and a direct feed into YouTube probably wouldn’t hurt!).