More trouble for Research In Motion as it meets opposition for its global reach and expansion–the Indian government said it will begin blocking encrypted BlackBerry corporate email and messenger services if the company does not provide it with access by the end of the month.
The hard deadline comes shortly after the United Arab Emirates threatened to block BlackBerry in October, reports The New York Times, citing similar requirements from RIM. The stumbling block with the U.A.E. was initially softened by RIM’s standing agreements with other international governments, namely India. Now it looks like India is leveraging its position to reach a more beneficial deal for its law-enforcement authorities. For RIM, being blocked in India would be much more damning than losing support in the U.A.E.
RIM maintains that its encryption is a necessary and infallible aspect of its core service, and compromising that would put far more at jeopardy. As the mobile company has already reached agreements with several of its opposing international governments, however, we’re left wondering what those deals comprised, and if they do ultimately protect consumers.
Nevertheless, a loss for RIM in India would serve quite a blow. The country has a booming mobile market, and an estimated million existing customers. With Apple going after BlackBerry’s business user market and Android beginning to make its way up mobile OS penetration charts, RIM faces obstacles on several fronts, particularly with its new OS and redesigned BlackBerry devices.