Apple’s iPhone has kept non-AT&T users waiting for quite some time now, outside of jailbreakers. There has been news for some months now about the iPhone coming to Verizon, but recent comments by Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg, seem to suggest that the wait is prolonged, and may even be infinite. The expressed eagerness of Verizon CEO towards an iPhone deal was reported on CNET as follows :
Verizon’s Ivan Seidenberg addressed an investor conference and in response to when his network would offer the iPhone, he said, “We would love to carry it, but we have to earn it.” He also said that as Verizon rolls out its 4G LTE network over the next year that Apple would get on board. “At some point, Apple will get with the program,” he said, according to The Wall Street Journal, which noted that some frustration crept into his voice.
So, the wait continues but industry analysts think that its just a matter of time. Apple will eventually open up for more carrier choices for iPhone users. This may come as a response to competition from other smart phone manufacturers. Also because iPhone now supports multiple carriers in other countries, leaving the U.S. to deal with exclusivity deals and marketing arm-twisting.
[photo credit: Reuters]