Google announced today in its Analytics blog the launch of the new In-Page Analytics beta, enabling site owners to overlay the service on their web pages and evaluate traffic data more capably.
“To make this visualization easier, some users keep the website open in another browser tab so they can reference it while looking through reports. Others rely on the Site Overlay report in Google Analytics, which, admittedly, hasn’t worked as well it could. …With In-Page Analytics, you can see your Google Analytics data superimposed on your website as you browse.”
The addition of this visualized product to Google’s traffic analytics inventory indicates and highlights the very same this recent blog post does –meaning that having to inelegantly multitask between two windows is not something most people favor while evaluating their SEO campaign’s effectiveness.
In-Page analytics is aimed to enable users to receive page-level information, a list of all outgoing links, link popularity, click data and more, but what Google hasn’t denied so far is that In-Page is still in beta, and a lot of people may face uncomfortable glitches.These can easily downgrade the initial demand and positive publicity around the new Analytics product, which is exactly why Google will probably rush it out of beta fairly soon. Analytics will only gain as a necessity for web publishers looking to improve, and monetize, their sites.