Cloud-based collaboration tools are a jewel in the crown for lots of enterprises, including start-up ventures. WeVideo, which is making its debut at the DEMO fall 2011 conference this week, is one such example, entering into the cloud with its Flash-based video editing tool. The WeVideo editing platform is designed for both individuals as well as for businesses.
The company said its video editing application is browser- and device-agnostic, and will soon extend availability to more mobile devices. The idea here is to enable collaborative video editing anytime, anywhere. And the startup has a business model right out of the gate. WeVideo will offer various service plans with different price tags to suite consumer demands. The free service offers 1 GB of storage without any monthly commitment, whereas the Commercial option has 50 GB storage and will cost $79.99 a month, including a commercial license. In between, there’s the Plus plan (with 10GB storage) and Ultra (with 50 GB storage), with a price tag of $6.99 per month and $39.99 per month respectively.
“This is one of the most powerful cloud-based applications on the web,” WeVideo co-founder and CEO Jostein Svendsen told to VentureBeat. “It was built ground up from the cloud and lets you do an incredible amount of complex tasks in the browser.”
The company was known as Creaza in Europe, but company’s official changed its name to WeVideo to suite today’s market trend, and to brand itself with the name. “It’s a lot of work to re-brand your company,” Svendsen said. “But we wanted to emphasize that this is about sharing and editing video projects in groups.”
Video-editing gains with improved technology
With an edge in collaborative editing, WeVideo will still compete with a range of video editing solutions already on the market, including those found on the traditional desktop (e.g. iMovie, Apple Final Cut, Adobe Premiere Pro) and newer, automated online services (e.g. Animoto, YouTube, JayCut).
Adobe’s video editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro, is at the forefront of mainstream, professional video editing programs. The company’s Premium CS5.5 video tool is a huge success, even compared to Apple’s Final Cut Pro X, which got a mixed reviews due to a lack of advanced editing features, conjuring backlash from users.
Growing demand for collaboration in the cloud
But beyond video editing, online collaboration is finding a niche in the enterprise, and the market is currently working out the kinks of a truly mobile system that includes connected devices and changing needs of a technologically advanced office. There’s a number of file-management solutions in the cloud working to improve usability and access in this space, including Syncplicity Inc., which last week launched a backup, file sharing and collaboration tool for the iPad. The app lets users browse, share and manage files and folders stored on their Mac, PC or in a cloud-based service such as Google Docs.
There’s also MindJet, which is growing its collaborative services through acquisitions. MindJet recently revealed its plans to buy social task management company Cohuman. Both MindJet and Cohuman offer a Facebook-like social networking interface that will provide SaaS offerings for the enterprise.
Social CRM and collaboration tool market would reach $1 billion in revenue by 2012. Social enterprise’s collaboration tools are grasping customers’ demand, and thanks to the mobile and cloud evolution we will see more companies like WeVideo entering this space.