The week seems so quiet. Last week, here we were, enjoying the spectacle of Oracle OpenWorld and the battles between Marc Benioff and Larry Ellison.
Now what do we get? An infographic! What a fitting ending to the mad capped frivolity of the past week.
And this infographic from Focus is as shallow as they get! Yippee! We see the comparison on Twitter, their gargantuan events and even the comparison of their floating crafts.
If nothing else, Ellison and Benioff symbolize the battles between the old world of IT and the new services paradigm. We are reaching a tipping point. It won’t be too long before companies have more invested in services than on-premise technology.
That’s why we have such theatrics. With so much to win and lose, the two need to do as much as they can to show the world what they stand for. Playing off one another only helps their cause.