Technology is on the rise, and along with it is the growing agitation of my grandparents about how people cease to go outside and do some manual labor. It seems we prefer to spin away our time in front of electronic screens. But are we to blame? When I spend time with my internet-connected device, I feel like I have the whole world shrunken down into the palm of my hand. It’s my window to the world, to other people’s lives and minds, and it’s my very source of information.
But like our parents say, everything in moderation. Technology is so deeply-rooted into my culture as a writer and a private persona that it scares me. The uncomfortable physical sensations that I rarely felt before are becoming everyday things now, and that includes neck stiffness. I’m sure you know what I mean.
Below is an infographic detailing the causes of neck stiffness and its development in relation to technology overuse. It is important to look into these causes and do something about them as soon as possible before they become chronic, which could cause you to suffer prolonged discomfort. And if you look closely at the infographic, it’s got an aded perk–the very act of reading it will help you stretch your neck.
If you’re not developing any physical uneasiness just yet, that doesn’t mean it’s okay laze around the computer some more and forget about exercise. It’s good to get off that comfy computer chair a couple of times a day and do something else to stretch those muscles.
And if you think you’re safe because you love your mobile device more than your laptop, don’t be so confident. Mobile addiction still poses some health threats such as stiff neck, or more popularly called text neck when referring to that which is caused by too much mobile use. This discomfort is becoming rampant with the growing influx and demand for mobile devices.
And seriously, stop tweeting while crossing the street or you might get more than just stiff neck.