Adobe recently pulled Flash for mobile, the technology that allows users to view multimedia content on their mobile devices. Flash support also allows app to properly function a little bit better on our handsets, so there are a lot of apps that require Flash. With Flash’s fall from grace many wonder if this signals the end of apps themselves, but there’s a growing number of apps utilizing HTML5 instead. HTML5’s edge over Flash is its ubiquity, especially after Flash was barred from iOS devices all together, missing out on a big chunk of global market share.
AppMobi, provider of cloud-based cross-platform web kits, is joining the Black Friday chaos as they offer great deals for developers who want to push web app development for HTML5 since it’s the hottest thing right now.
“We view the core technology of HTML5 as a tide that floats all boats,” said Sam Abadir, appMobi’s CTO. “We think the world will do better apps with more functionality and a stable HTML5 environment.”
The AppMobi APIs will be available on GitHub and it will include cross platform device APIs which supports HTML5 for both iOS and Android devices. It will also offer up the source code for mobiUS which, allows HTML5 web apps to act like native apps. In addition there’s also DirectCanvas, which enhances the graphic display for 2D games, as well as an APIs physics engine. Other perks include offline and dynamic caching, a media player, authentication and encryption, augmented reality, bar code and QR scanner and better display support.
With a cross-platform bean for the social side, Pangalore is launching HTML5 games for Facebook and mobile devices. This move is another example of an industry shift that’s manifested through mobile gaming. The fast-growing niche has proven fertile ground for the models and technologies that will affect the entire mobile space.
“Pangalore was created to deliver compelling social games that gamers could play with their friends anywhere, on any platform with their progress automatically synched between their PC, smartphone, tablet, and any other Internet devices with a browser,” said Pangalore CEO and co-founder Brian Kang.
“Our Universal Play focus delivers what today’s social gamers want while we keep enhancing the technical excellence possible with HTML5.”
Sega of America and InMobi aren’t going to be left behind on the HTML5 hype with their new mobile advertising campaign for Samurai Bloodshow. Sprout, the advertising platform recently acquired by InMobi, created the new ad for the popular SEGA game.
“We’re excited to kickoff a great campaign for Samurai Bloodshow with Sprout and InMobi. Sprout’s ambitious HTML5 ad has greatly exceeded our expectations, and set a new bar of quality for our mobile rich media campaigns,” said Ben Harborne of SEGA.