As the Samsung Unpacked event draws near, more juicy news about the next Galaxy device surface the web.
First, it was rumored that Samsung will be unveiling a range of new Galaxy smartphones, then came the news that they’ll be unveiling the official Olympic phone partner at the event on May 3 in London’s Earl’s Court. Then, news came that South Korean company will be unveiling not only a Galaxy smartphone, presumably the Galaxy SIII, but a Galaxy tablet as well. Then came the news that aside from the smartphone and tablet, Samsung will also be launching their cloud service S-cloud, which would directly compete with Apple’s iCloud.
Though Samsung’s team is tight-lipped about the event, they’re leaving a trail of breadcrumbs on the web.
Samsung’s trail of breadcrumbs
“Truly smart technology becomes a natural part of life. Where a Galaxy perfectly fits into your hands. Your view of the world grows ever wider. As you gain the power to explore it freely and swiftly. With technology that fits in this easily, you can now standout from… everyone else.”
The paragraph above may sound like something a philosopher would say, but no, that’s actually from Samsung’s teaser video for their Unpacked event (see below). There’s nothing really special about the video, it just features a stunning view of the galaxy. But if you read between the lines, it’s like Samsung’s leaving us more clues.
The video describes a device that fits perfectly in your hands but suggests a wider screen. Then it talks about exploring it freely and swiftly, so it may have a new and faster user interface and a faster processor, possibly a quad core, like earlier reported. Then the line, “fits in this easily” makes me think that there’s a possibility that they made a PadFone-like device that would seamlessly integrate the new Galaxy smartphone and tablet they are rumored to be launching. Plus, there are two blobs of liquid at the end of the teaser, so just bear with me.
It’s not a secret that Samsung and Apple are the top rivals in mobile devices these days, so seeing the flock of sheep near the end of the clip, you can’t help but think that Samsung targeted Apple fanboys again.
But the teaser wasn’t the first from Sasmung, it was the cryptic tweet, “Destination: tgeltaayehxnx,” from Samsung Mobile yesterday that started the buzz. Apparently, tgeltaayehxnx, is an anagram for The Next Galaxy which is actually a website that contains a countdown clock for the next Galaxy device but unfortunately, the site is down at the moment. The Samsung guys might be tinkering with the site.
But the teaser isn’t the only thing that strengthens the Galaxy SIII rumors. There was a pre-order page spotted for the Galaxy SIII on Amazon Germany. The page described the Galaxy SIII with having a 4.7” AMOLED touch screen, 12 MP camera, an Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS, comes with a 16GB internal memory which can be expanded up to 32GB. The device is priced at €599 (£491) but no delivery date has yet been listed.