Citrix has recently updated the ShareFile app for iPhone and iPad devices, which is available for download on Apple iTunes store. Citrix has introduced several new features in the updated app, mainly focused on security and access.
Here are three main features in the updated ShareFile app:
1. Passcode support with local encryption – The new ShareFile app allows the user to select a PIN to assign to an account in ShareFile, providing a simpler means of accessing your account without any need of typing in your account password every time.
2. Jailbreak Detection – This latest security feature allows account administrators to block account access from devices that are detected to be jailbroken.
3. Support for StorageZone Connectors – StorageZone Connectors let you connect existing file shares to ShareFile and access data remotely on your iPad or iPhone. As users want easy access to their data wherever it’s stored this new feature allows users to view data stored beyond ShareFile.
With this update, ShareFile is to make its mark by securing the enterprise space for users to use mobile devices in the field and that means sometimes distrusting the device. Not only users, Salinas Police Department of California also uses ShareFile to tackle its technology needs. It’s ShareFile that helps the police department to move from thousands of cassettes a month to digital file transfer in the snap of a finger. With their newfound use of ShareFile to take the place of cassettes, Salinas PD could even allow officers to bring their own device as long as it ran the dictation software and the secure transfer app.
In fact, SiliconAngle’s Editor Kyt Dotson says that products such as ShareFile that operate in the secure file transfer space may become even more necessary for smaller government outfits who need to send information over the Internet that might be interesting to both mischievous and malicious hackers. Combine that with helping the Salinas PD do away with what probably amounted to hundreds of pounds of cassette tapes and they’ve got a recipe for happier officers and potentially a safer community.