UPDATED 16:25 EST / FEBRUARY 27 2013


European Aeronautic and ThyssenKrupp Become Cyber Attack Victims

This weekend, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) and German Industrial multinational conglomerate ThyssenKrupp became victims of cyber exploitation attacks. Though the attack sources are not clear, some sources suggest that the breach occurred at a US-based subsidiary. Besides, the source addresses of the attacks appeared to be from China. Okay! Here we have one more credential adding to China’s notorious reputation for cyber attacks.

Similar attacked was reported by European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, a few months back. Though EADS did not talk about the aftermaths of the attacks, we assume that those were pretty bad as the company alerted the German Federal government about it. In addition, ThyssenKrupp also became victim to an attack in mid 2012, described as “heavy” and of an “exceptional quality”.

Adding to the woes of German Federal, and as per The Spiegel’s report, German Federal Agency for Constitutional Protection (Verfassungsschutz) registered 1100 exploitation attacks from foreign intelligence services, the majority of them targeting the Chancellery and Foreign and Economic Ministries using Spear-Phishing attacks. Most of them are e-mails that have attached files, which hides a Trojan.

An interesting point to be noted here is that the intensity of attacks increased during G20 Summit, targeting the German members of the delegation. In defense, Federal Intelligence Service (BND) is now going to establish a new subdivision for cyberwar.

“Germany’s Minister of the Interior is now planning a IT Security Bill to implement a regulation requiring breaches and incidents to be reported by businesses, joining the EU commission which also is planning to require mandatory reporting of hacking for about 44,000 companies,” reported The Spiegel.

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