It was a sunny day in San Francisco when O’Reilly Fluent Conference 2013 kicked off, and Jeff Frick did the honor to wrap-up the first day of SiliconAngle’s coverage there. The event had a whole lot of guests and we’re happy to have an interview with some of them to gain very interesting insights about what they’ve been up to, and the development community in general.
O’Reilly Fluent is the key event for web and mobile developers, software engineers, and others to gather and learn from each other. It also attracts the best coders, as well as offer the best and most innovative thinkers in the industry!
Developers today are going beyond javascript and moving on how to develop for the web and for the web platform. They even showcased demos of developing games without using classic programming techniques because the speed and the flexibility of the application is there.
To watch SiliconAngle’s recorded interviews at O’Reilly, they’re up on our YouTube channel in a playlist specific to Fluent.