Updated with full video – see below.
Welcome to NewsDesk on SiliconANGLE TV for Friday July 12, 2013. Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users’ communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency to circumvent the company’s own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian.
See live feed below or visit youtube.com/siliconangle to watch on-demand.
On today’s episode, you’ll see our very own security expert John Casaretto discussing the top-secret PRISM program, and how those who use it avoid detection from their own spying tools.
He’ll give his opinions about the security of Skype in the face of Microsoft’s cooperation with the NSA’s controversial spying program, and you’ll also see him give more information about other companies involved with PRISM, and what information they’re seeking about you.
If we’re lucky, you might even see John’s take on Microsoft and the other PRISM participating companies, and how they’re dealing with all the negative media attention. Like always, he will give us his opinions about whether or not their approach was the right one to take.
See the live broadcast, embedded below. If you missed today’s topic, check our YouTube channel for archived clips.