Last year, Breaking Bad fans were cursing Dish Network when it dropped three popular AMC Networks channels — IFC, WE and AMC. Viewers had to resort to streaming content online or apy Apple, Netflix and Amazon to get their Breaking Bad fill.
On August 11, AMC will air the first episode of Breaking Bad’s final season and the looming question is, where will people watch the meth-dealing life of Walter White?
AMC will air the premiere episode on its site, but only those from selected countries can watch it. After that, you can watch it On Demand a day after the episode aired.
You can also opt to download episodes from iTunes, Amazon.com, Netflix and Xbox Live. Seasons 1-5 are also available on Blu-Ray and DVD at Amazon and Netflix but if you’re looking for some online solutions, here are some alternatives:
This site provides you with hundreds of links to where you can watch past Breaking Bad episodes. Some links are free, some paid, so better choose wisely especially if you’re not prepared to pay a fee just to catch up on the whole meth-drama-craze.
Same as SideReel, it offers a lot of links for for episodes of Breaking Bad. You can either stream the videos or download for later viewing. Downloading may be a good option but that can be considered as piracy, so be careful.
This also allows you to either stream or download Breaking Bad episodes but be careful as you might be plagued with ads for a free copy, or the file you’re downloading might be laced with malware. And your media player should be updated to the latest version or else you can’t stream content.
You need to have Flash Player HD installed on your PC, just be careful where you get the player from as illegitimate sources can put malware on your device. You need the player installed to be able to watch online content. Or you can also download the episodes you want to watch.
You can stream HD episodes of Breaking Bad in Cucirca but you you need Flash Player HD for this. Again, be careful where you download your Flash Player since there are many untrusted sources that can do your computer harm.
We are still days away from the premiere of Breaking Bad Season 6, and I know some of you just can’t wait. So what are we supposed to do while passing time?
This is a comic strip recap for if you want to catch up with happened to Walter White and the other characters on Breaking Bad. It’s good for those people who don’t mind reading stuff and enjoy the graphics typical of comic books.
From Walter White to Heisenberg in 30 days
This may be the perfect way to recap Breaking Bad as it highlights the pivotal moment of a show in 30 episodes leading up to the Season 6 premiere.
The Table of Elements style of the Breaking Bad title has become iconic. It has been used in memes, printed on shirts and other trinkets, so wouldn’t it be cool if you could see your name written in that style? Now you can with Name Lab and you can even show it off on Facebook.
And after watching the premier of Breaking Bad Season 6, you can watch the special MythBusters episode the day after which is focused on Breaking Bad experiments. Enjoy! ;)