Vinnie Mirchandani, Owner of Deal Architect joined John Furrier and Dave Vellante in theCUBE during the HP Vertica Big Data conference. The three discuss Mirchandani’s forthcoming book, Digital Enterprise, which discusses the future of technological innovation including the “4th industrial revolution.” The three also review Mirchandani’s take on the future for HP Vertica and the industry.
Digital Enterprise is a collaborative book project with Karl-Heinz Streibich of Software AG. Heinz approached Mirchandani to create a book that would discuss the coming decades of industrial innovation in the enterprise. Discussing the text, Mirchandani notes that German technologists are excited about what they describe as “the 4th industrial revolution.” This transformation will involve next generation robotics that are not caged, but integrated in the general workspace alongside humans. Augmented reality training will also become more prevalent, characterized by technology that requires no classroom and hands-on virtual simulations.
Vellante asks about the future of media companies in light of recent acquisitions of the Boston Globe and Washington Post. Mirchandani concedes, “I thought it was a dead business.” However, his research for Digital Enterprise led him to re-consider the viability of media companies in light of new strides taken by international media outlets. Mirchandani suggests a new business model in media is emerging, in which reporters become curators and the strategy leverages e-commerce principles.
Referencing the conference, Mirchandani acknowledges that he initially had a “fairly narrow view of Vertica.” Yet, he has come to see Vertica’s vision as one of the most comprehensive in the market as the company is “one of the few vendors who can say it doesn’t matter whether the data is structured or unstructured.” Still, he suggest HP has shown an emphasis on the technical perspective and needs to advance business implications and relevance.
For the future of the industry, in general, Mirchandani believes long term analytics, video analytics and predictive maintenance using structured data will be key. Digital Enterprise is slated for release in October 2013.