In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the adoption of cloud services for business is well beyond the tipping point. With 2014 predicted to be the year the IT organization will be judged on its speed and agility to keep pace with business demands, the use of the cloud is no longer a business convenience but a business imperative.
Social media, Twitter in particular, helps drive the cloud computing conversation online. With roughly one billion registered users, Twitter can be an invaluable resource for discovering what IT industry analysts, authors, publishers, bloggers/writers, journalists, advocates, entrepreneurs, and vendors are discussing.
The following is our list of over 60 of the top conversationalists talking about the cloud right now on Twitter, based on a combination of Twitter lists, articles, and blog posts referencing those most active in social media and associated with the cloud computing industry:
Aaron Delp (@aarondelp): “Co-Host/Co-Founder of the Cloudcast (.net) podcast. Blogger, Father, Husband. Citrix Cloud Tech Marketing. Tweets are mine.”
Follow Aaron Delp at https://twitter.com/aarondelp
Aaron Levie (@levie): “Lead Magician (and CEO) at Box (@boxHQ); Huge ABBA fan. I don’t fully endorse anything I say below. Go ☁”
Follow Aaron Levie at https://twitter.com/levie
Adam Seligman (@adamse): “Tiger buffalo. vp dev relations at heroku & sfdc. tweets are my own.”
Follow Adam Seligman at https://twitter.com/adamse
Alessandro Perilli (@a_perilli): “Research Director at Gartner. Leading private cloud research in the GTP team. Advising Fortune orgs’ enterprise architecture teams and SW vendors’ CTO offices.”
Follow Alessandro Perilli at https://twitter.com/a_perilli
Alex Williams (@alexwilliams): “Writer.”
Follow Alex Williams at https://twitter.com/alexwilliams
Andi Mann (@AndiMann): “Global Digital Business Executive – strategist, technologist, innovator, marketer, communicator, thought leader, author, b’baller, cyclist, cook, skier.”
Follow Andi Mann at https://twitter.com/AndiMann
Ben Kepes (@benkepes): “New Zealand, Running, Technology, Fatherhood, The outdoors. What more does one need? Oh yeah, go ☁!”
Follow Ben Kepes at https://twitter.com/benkepes
Chris Wolf (@cswolf): “CTO, Americas @ VMware by day, devoted dad by night. I’m often offensive and occasionally funny. Follow at your own peril.”
Follow Chris Wolf at https://twitter.com/cswolf
Christopher Kusek (@cxi): “Technology Evangelist, Director, vExpert, CISSP, MCT, Cloud, Ninja, Vegan, Single, Father, Cat, Humorist, Author – Currently in Afghanistan!”
Follow Christopher Kusek at https://twitter.com/cxi
Chris Yeh (@chrisyeh): “Entrepreneur, Investor, Writer, Dad.”
Follow Chris Yeh at https://twitter.com/chrisyeh
CloudAve (@CloudAve): “Cloud Computing, Software-as-a-Service, Business, Entrepreneurship, by@zolierdos, @krishnan and many others.”
Follow CloudAve at https://twitter.com/CloudAve
Cody Bunch (@cody_bunch): “Cloud & OpenStack Guru @ Rackspace. professionalvmware.com”
Follow Cody Bunch at https://twitter.com/cody_bunch
Dana Gardner (@Dana_Gardner): “Gardner is a creative thought leader on enterprise software, cloud, mobile, big data and social strategies. He is a prolific blogger and podcaster.”
Follow Dana Gardner at https://twitter.com/dana_gardner
David Linthicum (@DavidLinthicum): “Cloud Computing visionary. CTO, CEO, executive, blogger, speaker, author, and consultant.”
Follow David Linthicum at https://twitter.com/DavidLinthicum
Diane Mueller (@pythondj): “@OpenShift Origin Community Manager & Cloud Evangelist@RedHatCloud; developer of @DiscoverTotems; Tweets are solely mine; RTs != endorsement.”
Follow Diane Mueller at https://twitter.com/pythondj
Don Dodge (@DonDodge): “Start-up guy; Forte, AltaVista, Napster, Bowstreet, Groove, Microsoft, Google.”
Follow Don Dodge at https://twitter.com/DonDodge
Finbarr McCarthy (@FinbarrMcCarthy): “Web 2.0, Cloud Computing, Web Strategy, Strategic Thinking, Innovation.”
Follow Finbarr McCarthy at https://twitter.com/FinbarrMcCarthy
Geoff Arnold (@geoffarnold): “Expat Brit. #clouderati. Mac user. F1 & ManUtd fan. Liberal. Atheist. Working on cloud computing at Cisco. Ex-Sun, Amazon, Huawei, Yahoo, USVP, Brocade.”
Follow Geoff Arnold at https://twitter.com/geoffarnold
George V. Hulme (@georgevhulme): “Writer • IT security • Cloud Computing • Technology • Science • Markets • Student of Health & Fitness • ENFP.”
Follow George V.Hulme at https://twitter.com/georgevhulme
Geva Perry (@gevaperry): “I help SaaS and cloud companies.”
Follow Geva Perry at https://twitter.com/gevaperry
Greg Ness (@Archimedius): ““Networking, security, virtualization, cloud computing, data centers. Personal side: compulsive reader and traveller, USTA tennis, Kriya Yoga practitioner.”
Follow Greg Ness at https://twitter.com/Archimedius
James Urquhart (@jamesurquhart): “Father, husband, technologist, contributor to GigaOM/cloud. Director of Product, Cloud Management at Dell.”
Follow James Urquhart at https://twitter.com/jamesurquhart
James Watters (@wattersjames): “Head of Product @cloudfoundry.”
Follow James Watters at https://twitter.com/wattersjames
Jeff Barr (@jeffbarr): “Chief Evangelist for the Amazon Web Services, Blogger, Father of 5, grandfather of 2. Author. UW MCDM Graduate, UW CS Student.”
Follow Jeff Barr at https://twitter.com/jeffbarr
John Mark Troyer (@jtroyer): “Watches IT, Cloud & Digital Media. @Geek_Whisperers podcast. Director @VMware. vExpert, Community, Social Media, Content Marketing, Influencer Programs.”
Follow John Mark Troyer at https://twitter.com/jtroyer
Judith Hurwitz (@jhurwitz): “Author, software industry thought leader, consultant, industry analyst focused on cloud,big data, analytics,+ focusing on customer experience and outcomes.”
Follow Judith Hurwitz at https://twitter.com/jhurwitz
Justin Pirie (@justinpirie): “SaaS & Cloud Speaker and Blogger, Cloud Strategist at Mimecast- these views are my own and do not necessarily represent Mimecast.”
Follow Justin Pirie at https://twitter.com/justinpirie
Ken Oestreich (@Fountnhead): ““Cloud and Hosted Services mavin; Citrix, EMC, Egenera, Cassatt, Sun. EE by training. Husband to @monicafo +2 munchkins. Opinions herein my own.”
Follow Ken Oestreich at https://twitter.com/Fountnhead
Kevin Jackson (@Kevin_Jackson): “Technology & business consultant specializing in mission critical solutions. He is also the founder of Cloud Musings and Government Cloud Computing on Ulitzer.”
Follow Kevin Jackson at https://twitter.com/Kevin_Jackson
Khazret Sapenov (@khazret_sapenov): “Khazret Sapenov is a Cloud Computing Veteran and Applied Mathematician.”
Follow Khazret Sapenov at https://twitter.com/khazret_sapenov
Krish (@krishnan): “Strategy Guy, OpenShift@RedHat talking cloud & OSS. Startup Advisor, Twitter Snarknado!. Opinions are mine & mine alone (unless you are a desperate pundit).”
Follow Krish at https://twitter.com/krishnan
Lydia Leong (@cloudpundit): “Research VP at Gartner, covering cloud computing, hosting, data centers, content delivery networks, and Internet infrastructure.”
Follow Cloudpundit at https://twitter.com/cloudpundit
Marc Benioff (@benioff): “Ceo@salesforce.com.”
Follow Marc Benioff at https://twitter.com/Benioff
Mårten Mickos (@martenmickos): “CEO of http://www.Eucalyptus.com . Formerly CEO of MySQL. Finn in Silicon Valley (mgm at iki.fi).”
Follow Mårten Mickos at https://twitter.com/martenmickos
Matthew Morris (@MatthewSWMorris): “Cloud Evangelist @PEER1 Hosting. Tweet about all things Cloud and Hosted GPU Solutions along with whatever else I think of. #CloudComputing #Cloud#FollowBack”
Follow Matthew Morris at https://twitter.com/MatthewSWMorris
Maureen O’Gara (@MaureenOGara): “Maureen, the most read technology reporter for the past two decades, is the Cloud Computing and Virtualization News Desk editor of SYS-CON Media.”
Follow Maureen O’Gara at https://twitter.com/MaureenOGara
Michael Sheehan (@HighTechDad): “Professional: Staff Reporter @IntelFreePress & Social Strategist @Intel; Personal: Blogger, Reviewer, HighTechDad of 3 girls & husband – Opinions are my own.”
Follow Michael Sheehan at https://twitter.com/hightechdad
Miriam Tuerk (@miriamtuerk): “Entrepreneur with a love of Technology specifically Open Source, Cloud and Clean Tech – especially off grid.”
Follow Miriam Tuerk at https://twitter.com/miriamtuerk
Monkchips (@monkchips): “Co-founder of RedMonk, something like a firehose – tech and everything else in 140 char bursts. Developers, Developers, Developers.”
Follow Monkchips at https://twitter.com/monkchips
Paul Miller (@PaulMiller): “Cloud Computing/ Big Data/ Open Data Analyst & Consultant. Writer, Speaker & Moderator. Gigaom Research Analyst. Based in UK, clients world-wide.”
Follow Paul Miller at https://twitter.com/paulmiller
Phil Wainewright (@philww): “Web cloud SaaS expert, blogger @diginomica, LibDem, dad.”
Follow Phil Wainewright at https://twitter.com/PhilWW
Randy Bias (@randybias): “CEO, Co-founder, & Chief Instigator – Cloudscaling, cloud computing, social, infrastructure, ZFS, UI design, mobile, poker, & general goodness.”
Follow Randy Bias at https://twitter.com/randybias
R Ray Wang (@rwang0): “Constellation Research Founder, Provocateur, Keynoter, Disruptive Tech, Innovation, Biz Model Strategy, Author, Contract Negotiator Dominate Digital Disruption!”
Follow R Ray Wang at https://twitter.com/rwang0
Reuven Cohen (@rUv): “Chief Technology Advocate @Citrix | Contributor @Forbes | xFounder Enomaly & @CloudCamp | cohost @DigitalNibbles by @Intel | Mentor@TechStars | Dad + 3.”
Follow Reuven Cohen at https://twitter.com/ruv
Riitta Raesmaa (@raesmaa): “Entrepreneur, SME Growth Coach. Interested in Cloud, SaaS, Startups, Innovation, Sustainability, Serendipity, ITSM, Design. Word & Book lover. OH-LCH.”
Follow Riitta Raesmaa at https://twitter.com/raesmaa
Rod Trent (@rodtrent): “Community Manager for myITforum and WindowsITPro.; Missionary to China; Runner.”
Follow Rod Trent at https://twitter.com/rodtrent
Rodney Rogers (@rjrogers87): “Chairman & CEO of Virtustream. Board member & investor in a variety of tech companies. Former Co-founder & CEO of Adjoined. Proud dad and lucky husband. Gator.”
Follow Rodney Rogers at https://twitter.com/rjrogers87
Sam Charrrington (@samcharrington): “Cloud computing, PaaS and Big Data blogger, strategist and analyst. Entrepreneur. Advisor. Too many interests, too little time.”
Follow Sam Charrington at https://twitter.com/samcharrington
Sam Johnston (@samj): “Random rants about tech stuff (Cloud Computing, Security, Open Source, etc.). Protip: Don’t assume these are anyone’s thoughts but my own.”
Follow Sam Johnston at https://twitter.com/samj
Scott Sanchez (@scottsanchez): “Director & Lead Cloud Evangelist @Rackspace. Managing Director@FounderDating. Storyteller. Scotch drinker. Yogi. Happiness seeker. Tweets 100% my own opinions!”
Follow Scott Sanchez at https://twitter.com/scottsanchez
Simon Wardley (@swardley): “I like ducks, they’re fowl but not through choice. RT is not an endorsement but a sign that I find a particular subject worthy of challenge and discussion.”
Follow Simon Wardley at https://twitter.com/swardley
Simone Brunozzi (@simon): “Senior Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services, Bay Area. simone @ http://amazon.com – http://www.brunozzi.com.”
Follow Simone Brunozzi at https://twitter.com/simon
Stephen Foskett (@SFoskett): “Just some guy talking about data storage, virtualization, the business of IT and whatever else I feel like saying. My tweets are http://bit.ly/CCbySA.”
Follow Stephen Foskett at https://twitter.com/SFoskett
Steve O’Grady (@sogrady): “i helped found RedMonk. if you see someone at a tech conference wearing a Red Sox hat, that’s probably me. wrote @newkingmakers. married to @girltuesday. eph.”
Follow Steve O’Grady at https://twitter.com/sogrady
Stu Miniman (@stu): “Analyst and Researcher @Wikibon. Focus on storage, networks, virtualization (vExpert) & cloud w/ passion for innovation and social media.”
Follow Stu Miniman at https://twitter.com/stu
TheCloudAholic (@thecloudaholic): “Cloud Computing Startups, Investments and Discussion Group. Get Your Daily Cloud Startup Fix… #cloud #startups #technology.”
Follow TheCloudAholic at https://twitter.com/thecloudaholic
The Cloud Network (@TheCloudNetwork): “Join today for Free! – The Cloud Network OpineBoard by @OpineIT – Opine Media Group (OMG).”
Follow The Cloud Network at https://twitter.com/thecloudnetwork
Tim Crawford (@Tcrawford): “CIO Thought Leader, Speaker, Writer | Leading the IT evolution | Into: Data, Cloud Computing, Data Center.”
Follow Tim Crawford at https://twitter.com/tcrawford
Tom Bittman (@tombitt): “Gartner VP and analyst, cloud computing and virtualization, Sandy Hook Promise in my free time, and in my heart.”
Follow Tom Bittman at https://twitter.com/tombitt
Vanessa Alvarez (@VanessaAlvarez1): “Head of Marketing @ScaleComputing, ex-Forrester analyst, Cloud Expo Conference Chair.”
Follow Vanessa Alvarez at https://twitter.com/vanessaAlvarez1
Vaughn Stewart (@vStewed): “Chief Evangelist at Pure Storage. Strategic thinker, provocative blogger & author. Imported from Detroit, refined in Silicon Valley.”
Follow Vaughn Stewart at https://twitter.com/vStewed
Werner Vogels (@Werner): “CTO @ Amazon.”
Follow Werner Vogels at https://twitter.com/Werner
Zoli Erdos (@ZoliErdos): “Editor / Publisher, CloudAve & Enterprise Irregulars. Software Industry Commentator. Former life: SAP, Deloitte, IBM.”
Follow Zoli Erdos at https://twitter.com/zolierdos
The above list reflects a fraction of influential Twitter profiles in the cloud computing space. Make sure to also check out the Huffington Post’s list of cloud computing experts on Twitter as well, and let us know who’s missing from our list and who would you add to your own? We’d love to hear your feedback in the comments section below.