EMC and Capgemini worked together to develop a beneficial partnership, with Capgemini providing the knowledge and expertise when dealing with customers, such as banks, and EMC providing the hardware and software to make it all happen. Individually, each company doesn’t have the resources to offer their customers what they can offer together.
Terry Breen, senior VP of strategic sales, alliances, and service providers at EMC, along with Charlie Li, senior VP and head of global channels and partners at Capgemini, joined Dave Vellante of theCUBE at EMC World 2014 to discuss both companies’ partnership with each other and their plans for the future.
According to Charlie Li, many companies are trying to skip the second generation — the cloud era — and move on to the third, the mobile cloud era. One of the best things that has come out of the EMC/Capgemini venture is their ability to transform their clients and help them realize their cloud vision in the second generation before moving to the third. This includes recent work by the two companies to help bring Brazil into the second generation.
Li went on to say, “As Brazil is getting ready for the World Cup and the Olympics, they are trying to join the latest generation, the cloud era,” Li said. “All the solutions we’ve put together have really helped our clients there realize the cloud vision.”
The two further discussed Capgemini’s work within the EMC Federation, which they have fully embraced. Li feels that Capgemini is able to leverage the value of the second platform, the cloud, by taking advantage of the innovations in that area that EMC and its partners offer. This is an important part of what Capgemini looks for in a partner, someone who is just as willing to innovate as they are.
“If you want to keep the Cap Gemini excited about our company, we’ve got to bring the federation to it. Think about what they do,” Breen said. “The business and technology consultants. You go after the industries like retail and manufacturing; for us to excite them we’ve got to give them every tool we have. That’s why we’ve got to give them the Pivotal, the VMware’s, the EMC, all involved to keep them excited. They need all the parts to solve their business problems.”
See the entire segment below: